The Dent · About


I started this blog, in one form or another, in August 2018 as an outlet to share some of my personal views, along with my thoughts on technology, gaming, and anything else that took my fancy. It’s changed location over the years, but currently hosted by the excellent

My name is Andy and outside of my day job, I’m also a dad, a husband, a light blogger and a keen ‘iPhoneographer’. The best place to find my photography is on Glass or Pixelfed

Whilst The Dent is my main blogging outlet for longer form pieces, I also share a bunch of random stuff to my Tumblr which is much more of a firehose of random things.

I appreciate you taking the time out to read the blog, and even finding your way to the About page. That’s dedication!

I hope you continue to enjoy the content I share here at The Dent.

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